There were over 30 competitors in the Hastilude on Saturday, which comprised of :
- a run of rings, won by M'lady Aeschine Geargrrangh on Blue Moon
- a run of the quintain won by Katherine of Whitearcre on Pacman
- a run of the reeds won by HL Agleos Evinece on Titus
- a run of the javelin won by HL Taradan ban Marca on Rio
A barding and display competition was included in the overall scoring and won by Earl Edward Ian Anderson
Note: If the person with the highest score had already won an individual competition, the Autocrats decided to award the prize to the next highest scorer.
Challenge Course Champion on second day was Katherine of White Acre of Caid in a field with 20 competitors.
The fastest time was M'Lady Aeschine and the only perfect score was Don Andre on Joe.